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IsoFlux CTC System

Microfluidics combined with immunomagnetic isolation power the IsoFlux System's superior performance. Watch the video below to see how it works.

Why do so many labs around the world rely on IsoFlux? Because IsoFlux excels in three critical attributes: performance, flexibility, and ease of use. 

Watch the video to see how IsoFlux technology optimizes circulating tumor cell liquid biopsy sensitivity.

Explore our product offerings by clicking the links below. 

Explore IsoFlux Products


IsoFlux CTC Isolation Kits

Proven CTC isolation performance with a range of antibody options.

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IsoFlux CTC Analysis Kits

Analysis kits for CTC counting (enumeration) and DNA recovery/prep for NGS or ddPCR.

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IsoFux Benchtop Instruments

Easy-to-use systems for precise, rapid isolation and identification of circulating tumor cells. 

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